"""Detect optimal scales from a scale scan."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
def _pool2d_nvi(A, kernel_size, stride, padding=0):
"""Computes 2D average-pooling.
Average-pooling ignores padded values and diagonal values.
A (array): input 2D array
kernel_size (int): size of the window over which we take pool
stride (int): stride of the window
padding (int): implicit NAN paddings on both sides of the input
Average-pooled 2D array
# Padding with NAN
A = np.pad(A, padding, mode="constant", constant_values=np.nan)
# Replace diagonal with NAN
np.fill_diagonal(A, np.nan)
# Window view of A
output_shape = (
(A.shape[0] - kernel_size) // stride + 1,
(A.shape[1] - kernel_size) // stride + 1,
shape_w = (output_shape[0], output_shape[1], kernel_size, kernel_size)
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
strides_w = (
stride * A.strides[0],
stride * A.strides[1],
A_w = as_strided(A, shape_w, strides_w)
# Return the result of pooling
return np.nanmean(A_w, axis=(2, 3))
[docs]def identify_optimal_scales(results, kernel_size=3, window_size=3, max_nvi=1, basin_radius=1):
"""Identifies optimal scales in Markov Stability [1]_.
Robust scales are found in a sequential way. We first search for large diagonal blocks
of low values in the NVI(t, t') matrix that are located at local minima of its pooled
diagonal, called block detection curve, and we obtain basins of fixed radius around
these local minima. We then determine the minima of the NVI(t) curve for each basin,
and these minima correspond to the robust partitions of the network.
results (dict): the results from a Markov Stability calculation
kernel_size (int): size of kernel for average-pooling of the NVI(t,t') matrix
window_size (int): size of window for moving mean, to smooth the pooled diagonal
max_nvi (float): threshold for local minima of the pooled diagonal
basin_radius (int): radius of basin around local minima of the pooled diagonal
result dictionary with two new keys: 'selected_partitions' and 'block_nvi'
.. [1] D. J. Schindler, J. Clarke, and M. Barahona, 'Multiscale Mobility Patterns and
the Restriction of Human Movement', *arXiv:2201.06323*, 2023
# get NVI(t) and NVI(t,t')
nvi_t = np.asarray(results["NVI"])
nvi_tt = results["ttprime"]
# pool NVI(s,s')
nvi_tt_pooled = _pool2d_nvi(
nvi_tt, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=int(kernel_size / 2)
diagonal = np.diag(nvi_tt_pooled)[: len(nvi_t)]
# smooth diagonal with moving window
block_nvi = np.roll(
np.asarray(pd.Series(diagonal).rolling(window=window_size, win_type="triang").mean()),
-int(window_size / 2),
results["block_nvi"] = block_nvi
# find local minima on diagonal of pooled NVI(s,s')
basin_centers, _ = find_peaks(-block_nvi, height=-max_nvi)
# add robust scales located in large 0 margins
not_nan_ind = np.argwhere(~np.isnan(block_nvi)).flatten()
if (
np.around(block_nvi[not_nan_ind[0] : not_nan_ind[0] + 2 * basin_radius + 1], 5)
== 0
basin_centers = np.insert(basin_centers, 0, not_nan_ind[0] + basin_radius)
if (
np.around(block_nvi[not_nan_ind[-1] - 2 * basin_radius : not_nan_ind[-1] + 1], 5)
== 0
basin_centers = np.append(basin_centers, not_nan_ind[-1] - basin_radius)
# robust scales are minima of NVI(s) in basins
robust_scales = set()
for basin_center in basin_centers:
# basins should not extend beyond domain of block detection curve
basin = np.arange(
max(basin_center - basin_radius, not_nan_ind[0]),
min(basin_center + basin_radius + 1, not_nan_ind[-1]),
# sort robust scales
robust_scales = list(robust_scales)
# return with results dict
results["selected_partitions"] = robust_scales
return results